Experiments and Modeling of Ion Exchange Resins for Nuclear Power Plants.pdf

Experiments and Modeling of Ion Exchange Resins for Nuclear Power Plants.pdf


文集编号: 2014091809258

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Resins are used in nuclear power plants for water
ultrapurification. Two approaches are considered in this work:
column experiments and simulations. A software called OPTIPUR
was developed, tested and used. The approach simulates the onedimensional
reactive transport in porous medium with convectivedispersive
transport between particles and diffusive transport within
the boundary layer around the particles. The transfer limitation in the
boundary layer is characterized by the mass transfer coefficient
(MTC). The influences on MTC were measured experimentally. The
variation of the inlet concentration does not influence the MTC; on
the contrary of the Darcy velocity which influences. This is consistent
with results obtained using the correlation of Dwivedi&Upadhyay.
With the MTC, knowing the number of exchange site and the relative
affinity, OPTIPUR can simulate the column outlet concentration
versus time. Then, the duration of use of resins can be predicted in
conditions of a binary exchange.

文档标签: 机械设计


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