A Remote Date Collection/Diagnostic and Human Heath Monitoring System for Macs Carried by Changan\'s Incall

A Remote Date Collection/Diagnostic and Human Heath Monitoring System for Macs Carried by Changan\'s Incall


文集编号: 2014110200395

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2014中国汽车工程学会年会用户论文集:The Mobile Air Conditioning System(MACS) on the vehicles is characterized as high fuel consumption associated with vulnerable. In the world, the remote diagnostic through internet have become practical in recent years as found in other similar HVAC/R applications. It is of now feasibility to utilize the remote techniques foe MACS to watch system loads. In other hand, via the latest human health checking device such as Nike's FuelBand etc, through the Blue-tooth, passenger's real time condition at driving will be collectable and checkable to track the fatigue status that may cause accidents. As an additional feature, the cabin, as an indoor environment, Indoor Air quality(IAQ) surrounding the passengers, is also available to be monitored to take care of passengers health.远程数据采集/诊断和人类健康的电脑监测系统基于长安的Incall系统

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